Monday, June 18, 2007

Been There, Done That ... Wanna Go Back!

And now A*Muse*A*Palooza has Scrapbook Friend'z (as in frenzy!) featured on their blog. I loved this store. (Please see my posts a week or so back! I'm so ahead of the times! Ha ha!) The picture on the A*Muse*A*Palooza blog does not do it justice. It's a really nice, bright, open shop. There was a TON of paper and a whole wall section of Marvy Punches but more importantly A LOT of A Muse stamps. They had a really nice display and a lot of card samples. Plus they have a punch card system, you get a punch for however much you spend, and when you fill your card you get a store credit. I love it when places do this. How sad is it that I have punch cards to craft stores over 6 hours from my home?! A gal's gotta do what a gal's gotta do, though.

I hope to get some stamping in today or tonight, I'll post when I can. Have a great day!

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